Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What The?!? I think my nose is bleeding...

Arrrrggggh..... What the?

Trying to get a quick break from work, I was browsing around. Then I saw a shoutout at friendster... what the hell? Is there a new meaning of magistrate that I don't know of?

"maNy g!rls adSum ENVY at me..MAGISTRATE & ABHOR mE.. bUt ! dOn't cAre!!!! I have my oWn L!fe & stYLe... And F yOu tHnK u'r sO h!ghEr dAn mE??? FUCK!!! u'r wRong g!rL... nO OnE cAn LeVeL mE uP!!!!"

Sigh! guess it's true, the Population of the World is growing, but the sum of the intelligence on this planet remains a constant

But don't they have spelling and grammar checkers nowadays?

There are some bloggers who posted stuff similar to this:

Hmmm... How does one get "leveled up" anyway?

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