Monday, July 18, 2005

Sea of Void...

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Floating, in a sea of blackness
My soul reduced to nothingness
As I stare off in the distant sky
Wishing that I could really fly

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Drained, as a glass overturned
The essence of my being totally burned
Falling into a bottomless hole
In despair that I'll never be whole

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Frozen, like an artic storm
Feeling pain like I'm being torn
Chilled to the bone I am feeling cold
I feel so alone with no one to hold

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Empty, I am nothing but a shell
I feel moving closer to death's knell
I leave this world of loneliness
As I shimmer into a sea of nothingness

Just felt empty today... I dunno. Something has changed. Incomplete? Lonely? Maybe? I just feel a big black void (redundant, isn't it) within me. Or maybe I should put return values in the functions that I make instead of declaring them void (hehe). Seriously, I am empty. Like everything has been drained out of me. Oh well I just have to wait and see. And live by the adage, "Hope for the best and expect the worst". I'll just move along where life takes me.

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