Monday, July 04, 2005

This is for you...


Whenever you're feeling blue,
And there's nothing else to do
No need to stop and stare
You know I'll always be there

Whenever you're feeling down
Your face marred with a frown
A silly verse I will sing
Maybe a smile to you I bring

Whenever you need to rant
Those things you never want
I'll lend a sympathetic ear
All your problems I will hear

Whenever you're feeling cold
Neither cloth nor blanket to hold
Let you stay within these arms
To keep you safe from harm

Whenever you are feeling happy
Feeling giddy, or even sappy
The best smile, to you I show
"I'm happy too", to let you know

Whenever you want to rage
Like a monster out of its cage
You can come to me and vent
Until you are all tired and spent

Whenever you are in doubt
Not sure to utter from your mouth
I could help with sound advice
To sieve the truth from the lies

Whenever you are in tears
Your face showing all your fears
You have my shoulder to cry on
To show you, "You are not alone"

Whenever your heart needs a home
You'll never ever be alone
No matter what the gods may say
Beside you, I'll always stay

"This poem is dedicated to the person closesto my heart right now. I just want you to know, no matter what you say or argue about it... You were never alone, never still and never will be!"

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