Thursday, April 07, 2005


Done something stupid last night... I assumed. And now I fear that I did something that would change my world... Put foot in mouth, add ketchup while you are doing it. Perfect procedure for disaster. Then follow it up with plenty of foot-in-mouth statements. Great, really great. Now what do I do? I am on her list of least favorite people

Come to think of it, I looked at my horoscope, and it says "bad day today"

Just wanna apologize for being an assuming, stupid lunkhead...

Am really Sorry...


Knight of Solitude said...

Thanks for the advice... well that is what she said too. That all that happened was due to circumstance and having a bad day. But sometimes I wonder, what if did have an argument.... It's been almost a year since I have known her, but we never gotten into a big disagreement... Oh well just hope for the best I guess :)

Knight of Solitude said...

Well I am a hopeless romantic after all... I dunno why, but when it comes to her sometimes I try too hard

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