Saturday, April 02, 2005

My week...

Oh well.. here I go with my stream of conciousness again... type anything that comes into my mind... well it is almost lunchtime but my lunch is still far from done, so I decided to put my thoughts into writing (whatever thoughts that is heh heh). So what should talk about hmmmmm...

Well with the person who occupies a very big chunk of my heart. Things have been good. Well I am happy that I get to spend a lot of time with her, but most of the time we all talk about someone else... I wonder if she thinks of me that much too... wishful thinking on my part, hahahaha. She is somebody special to me and I want to see her always happy. And would do anything to ensure that. Promise made, promise to be kept...

As of work? Work is a killer... I dunno what got into the head of my hare-brained boss to make us develop a very extensive and large application in a span of less than 3 months (design included). I mean.... WHAT THE HELL IS HE THINKING!?!? Oh well... sometimes I am tempted to look for work elsewhere, where I can be rewarded with the extra effort I do.... OTy can sometimes dampen your morale and the motivation to work. Might really look for the greener grass :)

I also have been thinking if the Teri Shiavo case... maybe it is time to draw my own will and testament, that if something happens to me, that there would be a list to do when I am incapacitated. Frankly, when I get into a long coma, I want the plug to be pulled. And I wan't to be created... Come to think of it, this post is already a document of what to do just in case anything happens :)

Time for lunch now... Till then...

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